welcome to the wellness blog

At Lel’s wellness hub, we believe that natural health is holistic. Our services are designed to help you achieve optimal wellness and get to the root of your health issues, so they don’t keep coming back.  Our comprehensive holistic wellness coaching program can help you find answers to all your questions about how to live […]

What is holistic wellness coaching?

If you’re like most business owners, you’ve probably been a little stressed out lately. The good news is that there’s no need to suffer in silence or alone! In fact, if you’re dealing with any of the symptoms below, then know that you’re not alone. According to the Australian Psychological Association (APA), stress and burnout […]

10 Ways Your Business Can Make You Sick

I’ve always been a believer in the holistic approach to health. When I was diagnosed with Osteopenia, I started exploring the idea of how my lifestyle choices were affecting my overall health. I started thinking about all the different ways that my health could be affected by what I did each day. And then it […]

Holistic Path to Health

Lels wellness hub - COPYRIGHT 2022