As a FlowSt8 Holistic wellness  practitioner, I am dedicated to helping you transform your health and wellness - to help you live the life you deserve! 

• Struggling with your weight or nutrition and feel like you have lost the ‘zest’ for life you once had?

• Finding it hard to strike a balance between success at work and family life, and feel as though one side always suffers? (Not to mention yourself!)

• Lacking a sense of who you are and are longing to reconnect with who you once were? 

• Love the idea of self-care but feel guilty if you take time for yourself or simply can’t prioritise it?

• Feel as though you are merely surviving, rather than thriving?

are you...

I am here to tell you that you are deserving of emotional, spiritual, and physical wellness. That you can reach your fitness and personal goals, whilst balancing work and family life. That achieving a life of happiness, health and abundance is all within your reach.

I know - because I have struggled with all of the above myself.

Now, after discovering the power of wellness to transform my own life, I am committed to helping others achieve the same.

Are you ready to find your new state of well-being?

I'm Lel, holistic wellness coach and flowst8 PRACTITIONER

That's where I come in

What if you can wake up in the morning, looking forward to the day ahead, and show up as your best self, everyday?

What if you could cultivate spiritually, live with contentment, achieve meaningful business goals, and live vibrantly in your body?

What if you could practice movement and contemplation make informed and nourishing food choices, and feel energised to do the things you love?

What if you could reconnect with your true self, practice self care, and enjoy your natural beauty from inside out?

What if you could make an impact to promote positive change, whilst mindfully creating an example for your family and extended community to follow?

What if you could flourish personally and professionally? 

Holistic Wellness Program

You're invited to join my

The ultimate wellness coaching program to transform your body,  mind, and soul.

A four Step Wellness Program

 Empowerment, Healing, Transformation and Balance


Stage 1


We will conduct an in-depth holistic counselling session as well as a wellness assessment to ascertain any emotional or physical imbalances. This will help shape and guide your personalised program.

Cleanse and Heal 

We will work to heal the root course by these imbalances by going deeper to cleanse, repair and heal. As part of the healing We will utilise the power of various modalities such as Theta healing.

Stage 2

Stage 3


This stage involves Transformational sessions, intuitive insights, guided processes, and proactive wellness mentoring.

support and enhance

This is where you put it all into practice! And don’t worry, we stay in touch to support your ongoing wellness, to help you look and feel your best. Included is two free months of mentoring to ensure success.

Stage 4

This one-of-a-kind method combines counselling, healing, coaching, and mentoring and is customised to suit each individual. When you approach wellness from a holistic perspective you create more lasting and dramatic results.

Counselling sessions help us to drill down into your current state of wellness. It allows us to fully understand the emotional, spiritual, and physical challenges that are holding you back from achieving the life you deserve.

Through targeted healing, we are then able to clear these blockages. We can then focus on opening the pathway for you to embody and integrate your own innate ability to heal – with clarity, intuition, and wisdom.

Then, we can work to create a mindset shift, preparing you for your all-encompassing transformation within the FlowSt8 program.

And lastly, we get to watch and support you as you step into your power, enjoying your new state of well-being. 

why does this program work?

The core of FlowSt8 Holistic Wellness Program is our private 60-minute coaching sessions each week. This can be done entirely online, through private virtual coaching sessions.

Each week I'll guide you through a new module that delves into a different aspect of holistic health and wellness.

You'll also have access to workbooks and resources to help you implement the lifestyle changes we talk about, and guide your transformation.

Extensive support via email to assist you to integrate in between sessions. 

Personalised practices to facilitate optimal energy and grounding-based on energy healing, yoga, breath work, meditation, fitness, spiritual rituals and/or exercises.

here's how we roll

I provide you with all the tools and strategies you need become the healthiest version of you...and I'll be right by your side, guiding you every step of the way.

You'll also get lifetime access to all of the course materials.

If you are looking for a coach and a program that will transform your life, then you have come to the right place! Lel is not only good at what she does, she is really approachable and lovely to work with. I was really hesitant, as I don’t normally spend money (or time) on myself, but this experience has been life changing. It’s a really involved program, not iffy or fluffy like some other self-development programs out there - you WILL see results. I love the self-reflection and journaling components, I found they really held me accountable and ensured progress. But mostly I am proud of myself for investing in my future. Everyone should do this program!


program overview

module one

FLOWST8 Goal Setting and Dream Building

Overview of the FLOWST8 program

• FLOWST8 elements initial discovery overview
• What is flow?
• The 5 elements of flow
• Quantum manifestation
• Goal setting and dream building
• The Wheel Of Wellness
• Vision board - Wheel Of Life
• Give your goal these characteristics and you'll be on your way to succeed

module two


Our first step is to connect you with the life-changing clarity you need to understand what has sabotaged or stopped you from what you deeply desire.

In this sacred, safe space, we will uncover what is holding you back and begin the process of powerfully healing any old hurts. We will unearth any subconscious or limiting beliefs, you may have and then continue with a meditation and energy healing session!

Together we will;
• Identify and release the limiting beliefs and core wounds that are holding you
back from living your best life
• Clear energy blocks and reinstall balance and energy for optimal health.
• Create a personalised road map for success and tap into your innate determination to fulfil it

module three


Stress and burnout affect everything: your mood, your skin, your digestive system, your metabolism, your immune system … so it is well worth paying attention to! This week, we’ll be learning about the symptoms of chronic stress, and some simple strategies for reducing the stress in your life.

You’re going to be amazed at the effect even a slight reduction in stress can have!

• Symptoms of chronic stress
• Simple ways to stress less
• Managing stress by adjusting your environment 
• Deep breathing exercises and why they work
• The Fight or Flight response

module four


This week, we’re going to find ways to get you moving! We’re going to begin by learning about the concepts of natural movement and opportunistic exercise. Then we’ll look at your mindset around being more active, and then some strategies for making exercise a habit and creating a plan that works for you and your lifestyle.

Get excited to a whole new mind set to enjoy working out. Reshaping and strengthening. 

• Conduct a movement assessment
• Learn to love movement
• Learn about flowability and the 8 principles to bullet-proof your body
• Personal plan and recommendations
• Explore the on-demand exercise vault

module five


In this module, we’ll be learning about FLOWST8's fundamental nutrition concepts to give you a solid grounding in the best way to nourish and fuel your body. From there, we’ll be working together to help you find simple ways to begin moving your diet in the right direction so you can achieve your health goals!

• The 5 elements of flor diet vibrations
• Guide to the 6 essential nutrients
• Micronutrients
• Hydration 
• Let's talk about: Superfoods
• Let's talk about: Seasonal Foods
• Mindful healthy eating
• Top tips for intermitted fasting 
• Choosing an anti-inflammatory diet
• Foods to avoid
• Low calorie keto recipes

module six


This week we’ll be talking about some specific strategies for losing weight, but it’s important that we do this from a place of self-love (not self-loathing.) That’s why in this module, before we get into the nitty-gritty of weight loss, we’re going to start with some work on body image and self love. The truth is most women have bodies that are meant to be larger than the cultural and societal ideals.

Women’s bodies naturally have more fat on them than men’s because this is required
for the energy needs of conception, childbearing and lactation.

• Weight loss goals
• Body image
• Simple weight loss strategies
• Easy ways to reduce sugar consumption 
• 10 ways to lose weight
• Plan a weight-loss strategy that works

module seven


Mindfulness means living in the present moment. Essentially, it means being (intentionally) more aware and awake to each moment and being fully engaged in what is happening in one's surroundings – with acceptance and without judgment.

• Letting go
• Processing and releasing imbalances
• Own the reflection
• Surrender, detach, and control
• Embrace change and uncertainty 
• Dance between the Yin and Yang (Balance)
• Radical optimism about the future 

module eight


This module, we’re going to learn how to live InFlow.  We will begin by learning about the 13 principles of living InFlow. Then we’ll conduct your Spiritual Assessment.

• 2 ways the live a spiritual life
• 12 principles of living in Flow
• What living a 'spiritual life' means
• What the 'Dao' is
• Learning meditation practice
• 8 ways the enhance your meditation practice
• High vibe morning rituals 

module nine


This week’s module, we look at our State. The module where we bring it all together. We will be covering what is vibration and the 12 ways on how best to raise your vibration.

• Your state assessment 
• Triggering the flow state
• How to hack the flow state
• 12 ways you can help raise your vibration frequency
• The busy women
• 17 triggers of flow

module ten


This week, we’re going to be considering a pillar of health that is often overlooked, and that is: sleep. Sleep influences our health & wellbeing in countless ways — which is something you’ll be
learning about this week.

You’ll also learn about many of the things that can affect the quality of our sleep, and more importantly, what you can do about it.

• The importance of sleep
• How much sleep do we need?
• The long-term effects of sleep deprivation
• The surprising connection between diet and sleep
• 17 proven tips to sleep better

module eleven


What is self-care & why is it important? Defining self-care isn’t always easy, and it looks different for everyone. Self-care isn’t just about brushing your teeth or combing your hair. Self-care is for the needs within you. Self-care is caring for your soul, your inner self, and your very being.

To successfully achieve self-care, you must have a self-care plan. It’s through a structured plan that you’re going to be able to properly care for your very being.

• Building a nourishing self-care plan
• Empowering morning rituals
• Self-care Sundays
• Self-care for your physical health

module twelve


Let’s take a look at all the tangible progress you’ve made in your health and wellbeing.

Evaluating what worked well and what didn’t will make all the difference in whether you’re able to multiply your success in your next chapter. 

• Reflect on your journey
• Looking forward
• It's time to CELEBRATE!


Prep course to set yourself up for success!

• You’re ready for a step-by-step roadmap for becoming the healthiest version of you
• You’re committed, and ready to finally achieve your health goals
• You’re finished with restrictive, complicated diets that make you feel like you're constantly starving
• You’re keen to prove to yourself that you can set goals and achieve them
• You’re ready to feel healthy, more energy and make this your best year yet
• You’re wanting the support of a dedicated and knowledgeable coach that supports you at every step
• You’re keen determined to elevate your lifestyle and live the life you crave!


I have wanted to do something like this for a while now, but have never managed to make it work. Then, one day, when I was feeling particularly tired and run down, I saw a social media post about Lel’s program. I took it as a sign that I needed to take action. I’m not going to lie, it wasn’t all rainbows, some parts were challenging. It really held up a mirror to some of the things that I was doing that were adversely affecting my health and wellbeing. But I am so glad that I gave it a go. If you are like me and questioning whether or not you should commit the time and energy then, all I can say is do it. You will not regret it. I feel lighter, more optimistic and happier in myself than ever before. I just wish that I had done it sooner!’


Ongoing wellness support to help you look and feel your best. You will receive 2 free months of check-in mentoring to help you stay on track.

bonus one

value $700

One amazing jam packed on-demand exercise vault with life time access. Explore endless workouts that can be done at the gym, or in the comfort of your own home.

bonus two

value $480

1: Daily affirmations              
2: Theta healing downloads
3: Meditation for self-love
4: Low calories recipes
5: Gut health
6: Breath work training

bonus three

value $495

7: Ways to enhance your meditation practice
8: Choosing an anti inflammatory diet 
9: Foods to avoid
10: Busy woman's solution to living in flow 
11: The 17 tiggers of flow
12: Top 10 Intermittent fasting tips

Private Members Inner Wellness Hub. A supporting space for help, questions, and expert feedback to accelerate your success.

bonus four


Total value over 


a program designed for women who:

• Want to enjoy their food that not only tastes great but nourishes, protects, and heals the body

• Want to see real, positive results from their fitness efforts (get back into those ‘skinny jeans’!)

• Want to love who they see in the mirror and appreciate their beauty from the inside out

• Want to enjoy every day and wake up feeling more energised and optimistic

• Want to set a strong and leading example for their family and friends

• Want to enjoy the simple pleasures of laughter, fun, good food, and a healthy lifestyle

• Want to create more balance in their life, reducing stress and fatigue

• Want to take back control of their lives and reconnect with their true selves!

By the end of this program, you will... 

•Feel calmer, happier, and more in tune with yourself

•Feel excited about achieving your health and fitness goal

•Feel confident when making food choices and more in tune with your body and its needs

•Feel energised, happier, lighter, and more optimistic than ever before

•Feel that you have made real progress and positive change in your life

•Feel renewed appreciation for yourself and how far you have come! 

Get ready to meet your most vibrant, energetic and healthiest self! 


Are you ready to become the healthiest, most vibrant version of yourself?

Are you ready to find your new state of well-being?

Holistic Wellness 12 Week Program

The ultimate wellness coaching program to transform your body,  mind, and soul.


one time payment

Please note: a consultation call is necessary to confirm that we will be a good fit to work together.

three monthly payments

$765 / month

all four bonuses


12 weeks of support and guidance

$100 discount when paying in full

I initially signed up for this program because I thought it would help me achieve balance between my personal and professional life, because as a small business owner, balance is my biggest challenge. But this course offered so much more than that! I guess I always thought holistic wellness was a bit too ‘out there’ for me, but it really makes sense to address things on an emotional and physical level – everything is interconnected. I realise now, that the balance I thought was lacking was due to a range of factors and by stripping things back, and getting back to basics, I could then redesign my approach to both my business and my personal life. I am now a convert! Thank you Lel, I really am so grateful for this program and everything I have learned.


My number # 1 priority is your happiness. I want to be sure you are satisfied with the course and the experience provided.  

So, if you are unhappy with the Holistic wellness 12 week program, for any reason, please reach out within 14-days for a full refund.

Please Note: this does not apply for the Time to Shine self paced workshop. 

And as always, I am here for you, through the highs and the lows. As women, we owe it to each other. I simply can’t wait to watch as you succeed!


money back guarantee

free introductory consultation

Find clarity before committing

Choosing the right coach is critical to your success, which is why I offer FREE 20 minute consultation calls for all of those interested in working with me.

Lels wellness hub - COPYRIGHT 2022