Businesswomen turned Coach

NEW Holistic Wellness Workshop 


I help women take back control of their lives and guide them on a journey towards achieving their optimum emotional, spiritual and physical well-being.

My mission is built upon a foundation of empathy, integrity and understanding; forged by my own experiences living in a high-stress corporate world, growing a highly successful business with my husband and the subsequent physical and mental exhaustion that pushed me to revaluate everything that I knew. 

I am now lucky enough to work with women to empower them to realise their true potential and to redefine their states of wellness. 

Hello, and welcome

My philosophy 

Wellness is not something that is reserved for the special few or an exclusive club designed for celebrities. Wellness is something we can all achieve without compromise.

Because when women experience overall well-being, when they look and feel amazing, they are unstoppable.

Wellness is a holistic concept; the overall well-being of body, mind, and soul. As women, however, we are far too used to putting our own self-care needs last, and our emotional and physical health can suffer as result. We wind up feeling depleted, out of alignment, anxious, and stressed.

And this is something I know from personal experience.

The good news is it doesn’t have to be that way. You see, I also know how incredible it is when we learn to prioritise our needs, when we regain balance and control, and start to focus on making small changes that have BIG impacts on our lives.

Lel’s Wellness Hub was born out of a need for women to feel supported and empowered on their wellness journey.

Lel’s teaching and her knowledge is incredible, it makes such a difference that she not only talks the talk, but she walks the walk. I have never (ever) been one that likes exercise, but thanks to Lel and her encouragement throughout this program, I am out and about and moving my body like never before!

My aches and pains have started to ease and I am sleeping better. I am eating better too, and even my husband has started to change some of his habits! For me, the biggest takeaway was my self-worth. I had always just accepted things as they were, especially at work. But since working with Lel, I realised that I wasn’t really living my truth. I am still a work in progress, but I am so much happier now that I have made time for myself, and my own needs. I’ve also reconnected with some of the things that I enjoy, and have welcomed new ones into my life – including exercise (who would have thought!)

SONJa. R   

If you are looking for a coach and a program that will transform your life, then you have come to the right place! Lel is not only good at what she does, she is really approachable and lovely to work with. I was really hesitant, as I don’t normally spend money (or time) on myself, but this experience has been life changing. It’s a really involved program, not iffy or fluffy like some other self-development programs out there - you WILL see results. I love the self-reflection and journaling components, I found they really held me accountable and ensured progress. But mostly I am proud of myself for investing in my future. Everyone should do this program!


After Lel’s program and working with her 1 on 1, I feel like a new woman. That might sound like a cliché, but I am so grateful that this program shed much needed light on the things that I needed to shift and change, including such simple things as my relationship with food, and my approach to self-care. I am so grateful for this program, and for Lel - I feel as though I am now at peak performance!


Client Testamonials

Find your new way of wellness with tips and tricks, and educational resources from FLOWST8 Practitioner and Holistic Wellness Coach, Lel. 

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How To Reduce Stress

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Lels wellness hub - COPYRIGHT 2022