Nice to meet you

I'm Lel -  An integrative, holistic wellness and business coach with over 25 years’ experience in the beauty and corporate sectors.

Lela Stojackovic  

Founder, Managing Director - Head Coach of Lels Wellness Hub     
Co-Founder Ybern Ltd - Ticketless Parking Pty Ltd 
Co Founder / Director Visoko Pty Ltd 
Founder / Creative Director Glamnation Studios

Certified Flowst8 Holistic Wellness Practitioner 
HH. Dip ( H.C ) Holistic Wellness Counsellor  
Certified -Ever Coach Mind Valley  Coach clients to live a unstoppable life 
Theta healing Master and Certificate of Science 
Energy Healing Reiki level I,II and Master practitioner 
Honouring heart - Women's healing circle facilitator 
Master of Business  Management and leadership 
Grad Dip Financial Accounting 
Dip Work place training, Dip Photography, Makeup Artistry and Hairdressing  
Member HHAI- Holistic Health Associates International 
Member International Institute for Complementary Therapists ( IICT) 


my story

My first business was a successful and highly sought-after hair, makeup and photography service, specialising in weddings, professional and personal branding shoots.

In 2010, I left my booming business behind, to join my husband as he forged his own creative innovation – the world’s first ticketless parking company. We worked hard to build the business from the ground up into a phenomenal seven-figure business. Our ‘homegrown success story’ - ( we named Ybern TPS Ticketless parking system), went from humble beginnings in the home garage, to becoming the leader in the parking industry, revolutionizing ticketing in commercial applications such as hospitals, councils, shopping centres and hotels all along the Eastern seaboard.

Years and years of dedication to both businesses resulted in stress, anxiety and acute pain. At one point, I suffered an injury which left me unable to lift my arm, and my physical and mental exhaustion left me without the ability to properly heal. Yet, not once did I let this affect my performance at the desk, and I soldiered on, as most women do.

In 2022, thanks to our grit and determination, my husband and I were able to secure healthy investment in the business, and we both stepped away from our formal roles within the company. We knew that Ybern was in good hands, but also, I knew there was something more out there for me. Something in my heart was telling me my true purpose was just around the corner.

My role within the company over the years served as the backbone to the operation, managing the various national accounts, marketing, strategy, HR and administration. I also initiated and coordinated numerous large-scale tradeshows and conventions both at home and abroad.

And despite pouring my time, heart and soul into the businesses, I knew that my overall wellbeing was not tied to a corporate title. I came to recognise the warning signs of burn-out and emotional fatigue, and deep down, I had a hunger for something that utilised my integrity, authenticity and passion for helping people.

However, leaving the only life I knew, was not without its challenges.

Change is hard; it can be painful and hold a mirror to our deepest fears. I knew that a complete overhaul was needed to bring balance back into my life and that I needed to push beyond my comfort zone. Because, as we know, that’s where the magic happens. Guided by my intuition, I poured myself into study and personal development, and I soon came to realize, a fundamental and widespread problem. One that I, myself had experienced.

For business owners to reach overall success and sustainability, personal health and well-being needs to be a priority.

As women, we can be so focused on the needs of our businesses, and families, that we compromise our own needs. We silently suffer both physically and mentally, whilst ignoring our inner voice and heart’s desires. We tell ourselves we are being selfish if we pursue our own goals, when in fact, we are denying the world of our light, and ourselves the chance to answer our ‘calling’. We wind up resentful, unfulfilled, and just plain exhausted.

I had an ‘Ah ha’ moment. I realised that my pain had been for a purpose. I knew that everything had been leading me to this point and I took a leap of faith … and stepped into my power.

I found the answer that will help you too ...

“Life is very interesting… some of your greatest pains become your greatest strengths.”
- Drew Barrymore

I realised that my calling was to marry both my personal and professional experience to inspire others to push through adversity to achieve greatness.

To prove to women of all ages and business levels that emotional and financial success are not mutually exclusive. And to create a new kind of wellness, one that honoured the mind, body and the life of the modern woman.

My mission is now to inspire as many women as possible to listen to their hearts and pursue their own dreams. To create balance, and abundance in all areas of their lives.

To support budding entrepreneurs and seasoned business women as they realise their potential. And to help others overcome both physical and mental roadblocks to reach their financial, emotional and well-being goals.

Self-love, self-worth, self-nourishment, and financial freedom – these things are not selfish. They are self-fulfilling. Let’s uncover your true self. Let’s find your light together - your new state of well-being.

Once I decided to take the leap of faith and truly immerse myself in the world of holistic wellness I understood what had been missing from my life all along. That everything I had experienced, all the pain and suffering had been for the higher good.

Now, I wake up every day, and leap out of bed with the knowledge that I can share this magic with the world. I am truly blessed that my calling has led me to guide and inspire other women, seasoned entrepreneurs and budding business women to take back control of their lives, to create financial abundance, spiritual fulfilment and the much needed balance that we all yearn for.

As a business woman myself, I know the struggles, the imbalances we feel and the sacrifices we make. We compromise our emotional and physical health in order to support those around us. But career, family, and holistic wellness are not mutually exclusive. You can have your cake and eat it too! (That's a promise!)   

Want to find your new state of well-being?

Lels wellness hub - COPYRIGHT 2022