This Workshop Clarity Session is designed to give you the ideas, insights, and input you need to gain a strong understanding of what it takes to become a respected, in-demand FLOWST8 Holistic Wellness Practitioner. 

Building a health practitioner business is just like any profession. It requires knowledge and experience, and I'm here to help you gain the necessary knowledge while you start this journey. 


• Lel's definition on 'What it takes to be a great FLOWST8 Wellness Practitioner'
• Health and wellness current industry status
• About the FLOWST8 founder and his vision
• Why you should take the FLOWST8 program over others
• The program investment
• Becoming a FLOWST8 Practitioner for Lel's  Wellness Hub upon completion of the course
• Creating lasting success as a Holistic Wellness Practitioner

We'll cover topics such as

And answer questions such as 

• What is Holistic Wellness Coaching?
• What can a Holistic Wellness Practitioner help with?
• Where do Holistic Health Practitioners work?
• How long does it take to complete the course and launch your wellness business?
• How much can you earn as a Holistic Wellness Practitioner?
• What it takes to build your own coaching business?


One time payment 

If you're wondering if this is the right program for you, or if I'm the right coach to help you kick start your new life then let's get to know each other! I offer a FREE 20 minute consultation to answer any questions you may have!

Let's get to know eachother

Lels wellness hub - COPYRIGHT 2022